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Crypto Trading Resources

All of the Great Stuff that I use myself!

Resources Overview:

Here are a few Tools that I use.

Some are FREE, some are Paid. All of them are incredibly valuable regardless of the price.

I am a firm believer that the RIGHT TOOL makes the Job Easy! 

But it is NOT Just the TOOL, it is the Insight, the Tools and Knowing How to use the TOOL Properly!

That is what we are ALL about here. Insight, Tools, Knowledge and Education! 

Those things put into use properly helps you MAXIMIZE ROI during the Bitcoin Halving Cycles as well as the Altcoin BULL Season.

The Sites, Research Platforms, Trading Exchanges (CEX/DEX), Due Diligence and Charting Tools all make the SEARCH for "Hidden Gems" much easier. NO Guarantees of course. And there is always an element of luck or stumbling into GEMS that plays a factor. But with the right approach, luck is only a bonus in the journey!

Enjoy and shoot me an email if you have questions:

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All of my Favorite Cryptocurrency Research, Trading and Investing Resources

Resource #1


Resource #2


Resource #3


Visualize the Crypto Market Activity... LIVE!


I'm  David Jamison

I am a Cryptocurrency Investor, Trader and Enthusiast that is Passionate about the Space, the Disruption, the Research and Analysis of each and every coin or token that peaks my interest is comes across my desk with a strong recommendation to dig deeper. I am a Tech Geek by some weird "Hard Wiring" Genetic Code. (My Dad was a Cryptographer in the Navy and my Mom was a Member of the Mensa Society... So I am a bit "Idiot Savant-ish" when it comes to Tech. 

As a rule, the more complicated something is, the more I am drawn to it. So Digging in to Crypto and the Blockchain was a Welcome Challenge. Learning Trading Strategies, Charting and Technical Analysis always came easy to me.

But my Real Passion is Finding Great Crypto Tech that has a Strong Future and Upside and the REAL Challenge... Finding them EARLY to maximize opportunity.

I Host a Small Shared Services Group, I am part of a Discord or 2 and then publish my research and findings for my audience to enjoy!

Thank You Page

David Jamison aka DJamoney on StockTwits


All of the information we present on our website and newsletters is "NEVER" intended to be Financial Advice. The content is presented as general information without any specific endorsements. What we invest in is our own decisions and is the inherent risks present in cryptocurrency or any investments can be significant. We assume those risks for ourselves with our own trading activities and you should do the same. All information shared is for entertainment and general knowledge purposes, not with the intent that you will act on any of it. If you do, you are taking on that risk based on your own decisions and our research and due diligence is our own and you should conduct your own reviews and risk assessments before entering into any investment. All of the coins and tokens that we discuss are available on centralized exchanges, dexs' or are presented as widely known and available pre-launches promoted on the web by those specific entities. If you have further questions about risks visit our Disclaimer Page and / or our Terms and Conditions page.